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  5. YITH WooCommerce Barcodes and QR Codes

YITH WooCommerce Barcodes and QR Codes

Barcode is an encoding tag or label that is placed on all products that allow mobile devices to track and find these products much faster

Features support

  • Generate barcodes or QR codes for products
  • Display the barcode/QR code



Should use App builder from v.5.3.2 to work best

Setting App Builder

Step 1:

Open App builder page from the left sidebar => Click to Integrations on the menu bar => Click to Active

Step 2:

Open Template from the Home Tab => Select the product search widget => Enable Icon Scan

Step 3:

Show Barcodes and QR Codes in product detail screen ( document )

Setting app

Step 1:

  • Run flutter pub get in your project directory

Step 2:

  • Go file cirilla/lib/register_service/register_service.dart
  • Comment out the following line of code:
    • //export 'scanner/test_scanner_service.dart';
  • Add this new line:
    • export 'scanner/flutter_barcode_scanner_service.dart';
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