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  5. Paytm Gateway

Paytm Gateway

PaytmGatewayNativeios, android


  • Cirilla v4.1.0 or above
  • App builder v5 or above

Getting started



Woocommerce website:

Add Paytm plugin to your Woocommerce:

  1. Download this plugin:
  2. Go to WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New from the left-hand menu > Upload plugin from the top menu
  3. Click on Install to install the plugin
  4. Config plugin according instructions
  5. Go to Woocommerce -> Setting -> Tab Payments: enable Paytm Payments

Setting App Builder ( requirement )

Open App builder page from the left sidebar => Click to Integrations on the menu bar => Click to Active

Package Setup

  1. Copy paytm_gateway package and add to packages folder in cirilla project.
  2. Import package in cirilla/pubspec.yaml


    path: ./packages/paytm_gateway

Then run flutter pub get in your project

  1. Add PaytmGateway to cirilla/lib/payment_method.dart file ( use only one of them and remember import package like example)
import 'package:paytm_gateway/paytm_gateway.dart';

final Map<String, PaymentBase> methods = {
  PaytmGateway.key: PaytmGateway(),

Country Support:

  • Including the United Arab Emirates
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Nepal
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Russia
  • France
  • Sri Lanka
  • Mauritius
  • United Kingdom

Currencies Support:

  • Paytm supports all currencies . However, your payment will happen in INR.
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