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  5. How to create notification small icons for Android

How to create notification small icons for Android

Best practices for push notification icons

  • Ensure the icon is simple and recognizable at smaller sizes.
  • Follow platform-specific guidelines for size and color scheme (e.g., white icons on transparent backgrounds for Android status bars).
  • Avoid text in the icon, as it may become illegible at smaller sizes.
  • Including a well-designed push notification icon can significantly enhance the effectiveness and appeal of your notifications.

Notification icon generator

Open: Icons generator


  • Name “ic_notification”
  • Download file .zip

Source code

Replace with your icon in the drawable folder

NameDensity (dp)Size (px)

Your project should look similar to this

Change color icon

Cirilla => open file: lib/constants/notification.dart

Flutter store manager => open file: lib/pages/home/view/home_page.dart


After completing the setup you need to delete the application on the device and reinstall it.

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