- Account Deletion
- Forgot password
- Identify App Orders
- Upgrader
- Intercom Chat
- Custom icons
- Biometric Authentication
- Video shopping
- Pickup address from map for checkout
- Multi-language app
- Cloud translate
- Cart
- Google fonts
- Brands for products
- Make color, image for attributes
- Set default login method
- Captcha
- WooCommerce Appointments
- WooCommerce Bookings
- Address Book
- Enable / Disable register
- Enable / Disable add to cart button
- Geo location
- Intenet connection notification
- Chat GPT
- WC Cancel Order
- Wishlist Plugin
- Ajax search pro Plugin
- Cache app builder settings
- Share dynamic for product, post
- Support deeplink working with Permalink
- Hide Our of Stock
- Add vertical payment method layout
- Add vertical shipping layout
- OneSignal Push Notifications
- Open App Link In Webview
- Sticky banner
- Dynamic form
- Google Analytics
- Enable/Disable geo search in product list widgets
- Firebase Cloud Message
- Checkout Webview
- Custom checkout flow
- JWT Authentication
- Checkout Modes
- Login/Register with Email/Username and Password
- Caching