Cirilla Documentations

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  4. Android app configuration
  5. Run Android app

Run Android app

Before you run the app, make sure you have Flutter installed on your computer. You can follow the instructions here:

To check if everything is working fine, you can run an example flutter app from this link:

Folder structure

Download the source code and unzip. You will get a folder tree like this:

|- app
|   - cirilla
|   - cirilla_ads (This source folder support Admod)
|   - ui (The build in UI kit share for cirilla and cirilla_ads)
|   - gutenberg_blocks (The build in UI for WordPress gutenberg blocks)
|- guide
|- licensing
|- wp_plugin_addons

The main source code is in the cirilla and cirilla_ads folders. If you want to enable AdMod support for the app, you should use the cirilla_ads folder.

Run on Terminal

1. Change the directory of the terminal to cirilla or cirilla_ads folder
2. Install dependencies
flutter pub get
3. Check that an Android device is running. If none are shown, follow the device-specific instructions on the Install page for your OS.
flutter devices

If no Android devices are connected you can check this open one emulator:

4. Run the app with the following command:
flutter run -d ANDROID_DEVICE_ID

ANDROID_DEVICE_ID you can see the screenshot below:

Note: This lists all the emulators or devices that you can use with your computer. If you want to use a real device that is connected with a cable, you have to enable USB debug mode in your phone settings.

Run on Android Studio

Open project

  1. Open the IDE and select Open
  2. Select folder cirilla or cirilla_ads
  3. Install dependencies

Pub get button link not visible Maybe you did not install the “Flutter, Dart” addon for your emulator.

Run the App

  1. Locate the main Android Studio toolbar:
    Main IntelliJ toolbar
  2. In the target selector, select an Android device for running the app. If none are listed as available, select Tools > AVD Manager and create one there. For details, see Managing AVDs.
  3. Click the run icon in the toolbar, or invoke the menu item Run > Run.

After the app build completes, you’ll see the Cirilla app on your device.

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