App Builder - User Guide

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  5. Breaking changes and migration guides App Builder 5.2.0

Breaking changes and migration guides App Builder 5.2.0

On App Builder v5.x, we have removed the settings tab and migrate it to the features tab.

JWT authentication

To set up JWT authentication in the App Builder plugin for WordPress, follow these steps to enable the feature:


Login Firebase Phone Number

To set up Login Firebase Phone Number in the App Builder plugin for WordPress, follow these steps to enable the feature:


Login Facebook

To set up Login Facebook in the App Builder plugin for WordPress, follow these steps to enable the feature:


Smart Coupons

To set up Smart Coupons in the App Builder plugin for WordPress, follow these steps to enable the feature:


Razorpay Payment

To set up Razorpay Payment in the App Builder plugin for WordPress, follow these steps to enable the feature:


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