App Builder - User Guide

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Each screen (home, product list, product detail, cart, login, contact….) will has its own configuration section. Below, we are going to show you how to config for basic functions on Home page.

1. Presets tab

As default, we already had some exist templates for home page on Preset tab that users only click on [Insert preset] button to inherit it if want OR users are able to create a new template by themself.

2. Configuration tab

3. How to import an existing template

Step 1: Import an existing template

On AppBuilder page > click on [All templates] button of [Pre design templates] section > Select an existing template > click on [Import]

Step 2: Customize the existing template

After importing, the template will be moved up to [Your theme] section > Users are able to hover on it then click on [Customize] button to edit it

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