Changelogs 9 – Aug -2023 🔔

Cirilla appv3.7.8
App builder pluginv3.4.4
Push notification pluginv1.4.4

New features 🌟

(1) Payment gateway – Hyperpay (Add-on pagekage)

Hyperpay gateway is a payment gateway that provides online payment solutions and financial services for businesses in the Middle East and North Africa region. Hyperpay gateway supports various payment methods:

  • VISA , MasterCard
  • STC
  • Apple Pay
  • MADA ( Saudi Arabia )


Video: Preview Hyperpay

(2) Layout profile

The Profile screen feature of Cirilla app allows you to create a stunning and personalized profile page for your app. You can choose from four pre-designed templates that offer different layouts and styles for your profile. Each template has three layout sections that you can customize with dynamic links, text, and icons.


Image: Preview layout profile

(3) Integrations – bbPress plugin

bbPress plugin is a WordPress plugin that adds forum functionality to your WordPress site. With bbPress plugin, you can create a full-featured forum as your entire site or as a part of your site.


Video: Preview integrations bbPress

(4) Push notification – buddypress

We developed a push notifications plugin that is compatible with buddypress plugin. This will help you have a better experience on your device.


Video: Preview push notification

(5) Integrations – B2BKing Pro

B2BKing is the complete solution for turning WooCommerce into an enterprise-level B2B e-commerce platform. With support features: Quantity rules in Product screen and Prices by User Role. it refers to a required multiple, a box / carton quantity and maximum flexibility in own pricing.


Video: Preview B2bKing Pro

(6) Google Fonts Update

Google Fonts is a collection of over 1501 free fonts that you can use to customize your app’s look and feel. With Cirilla app, you can easily choose and apply any Google Font to your app’s design. You can also adjust the font size, weight, style, and color to fit your needs. Google Fonts support for Cirilla app gives you more options and power over your app’s appearance and branding. You can create an app that shows your style and vision with the help of Google Fonts. To learn more about how to use Google Fonts on Cirilla app, you can check out the documentation or watch the video tutorial.


Video: Preview Google fonts

Improvement 💡

  • Improved: flutter_webview_plus package
  • Improved: flutter_shopping_video visibility_detector version
  • Improved: RTL product detail, widgets, product blocks
  • Upgrade: build:gradle:7.3.0 & device_info_plus: ^9.0.3

Bug fixed 🛠️

  • Fixed: Convert data wishlist
  • Fixed: Value in widget inspired menu bottom
  • Fixed: Top of floating layout creative can’t clickable
  • Fixed: Variable product stock inherit from parent
  • Fixed: Token init after user status changed
  • Fixed: Cart key pass to wallet gateway wrong after login

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