Changelog 15-Aug-2022

Compatible version

Cirilla appv3.1.0
App builder pluginv3.0.0
Push notification pluginv1.4.4

1. Anti – Spam & Brute Force Attack

Captcha popup in login, register, review and comment form. Help deter hackers use robot software submit requests via REST API.

Also compatible with config – Reviews can only be left by “verified owners” setting

2. New level Push and Recipients Notification.

The latest Push notification v1.4.3 bring some Powerful and elastic features.

Change small icon in Android

Doc config:

Push notification with image


Dynamic content with merge/tag

User can use variable insert dynamic data to message to send to device

Trigger event type


Sample action

Fully sample action and apply in one click


Dynamic recipients doc:


With conditionals you can determine whether in the specific situation the notification will be sent or not.


Message Queue

For big website with large transition you can enable Message Queue by add this to file wp-config.php

define( 'PUSH_NOTIFY_QUEUE_JOBS', true );

The message will send under background one by one and will not effect to website speed.

3. Show ACF Custom Field Data On Post Item By Position

Noted: Only support post item default template

4. Nearby product, show distance, duration on vendor item

5. Change icon search

6. Dynamic content in widget text, heading and Appbar



7. Option switch language plugin when use WPML/Polylang


8. Option disable email field in register screen

Improvement and Bug fixed

  • Improved: Change background status bar to transparent
  • Improved: Click to icon, nam, image on category item sidebar
  • Improved: Search results, load more, cache search data
  • Improved: Padding Product price, Refine post
  • Improved: Clean cart APIĀ 
  • Improved: Update value multi choice and checkbox in product Add-ons
  • Improved: Action click to notification
  • Improved: Get default attribute
  • Fixed: Reload change shipping address
  • Fixed: Appointment product validate date
  • Fixed: Check null safety in author avatar (profile, comment)
  • Fixed: Product group language
  • Fixed: Disable field address
  • Fixed: Divider color list product home
  • Fixed: Box shadow product item in home
  • Fixed: Background color product item
  • Fixed: Data notification messageĀ 
  • Fixed: Special language in text product Add-ons

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