Changelogs 26 – Mar – 2024 🔔

Cirilla appv3.9.0
App builder pluginv3.8.9
Push notification pluginv1.4.5
iOS13 minimum

New features 🌟

(1) Flutter SDK 3.19.x is supported 🆕 🎉

(2) Text to Speech AI 🆕 🎉

Supercharge your WordPress content with WPAI Assistant! From effortlessly converting blog posts to captivating voiceovers, to automating repetitive tasks with AI-powered assistance, this plugin empowers admins to soar! Enhance engagement with realistic voice experiences, simplify workflows, and save valuable time – all within your familiar WordPress environment. Unleash the potential of AI for your content and watch your productivity skyrocket!


(3) YITH WooCommerce Order & Shipment Tracking 🆕 🎉

Integrate YITH WooCommerce Order & Shipment Tracking into the Cirilla app to allows your customers to easily track the shipping of orders placed in e-commerce.


(4) Intercom Chat 🆕 🎉

Integrate Intercom Chat into the Cirilla app to enable customers to ask questions and inquire about pre-sale matters.


(5) YITH WooCommerce Badge Management 🆕 🎉

Apply graphic badges to highlight discounts, promotions, and key features of your products item.


(6) Loading after searching by barcode and QR code 🆕 🎉

By updating the loading feature after searching by scanning the code, users will have a better experience

(7) Copy order info 🆕 🎉

With this feature, users have the ability to quickly and easily copy note information from their orders, saving time and reducing manual data entry.

(8) Random Product 🆕 🎉

Products show randomly any time a user opens the app.


(9) Register Actions 🆕 🎉

An action in the context of a user interface refers to any interaction or event triggered by the user to perform a specific task. This could involve clicking a button, an image, an icon, or any other interactive element in the application.


(10) Register order actions 🆕 🎉

To add button action for order item or oder detail you can register a button action by flow this document.


(11) Register custom widgets 🆕 🎉

Register custom widgets allows to manage content of Custom widget in App builder


Improvement 💡

  • Upgrade: Flutter 3.19.x
  • Upgrade: Changing from WillPopScope to PopScope
  • Update: Bottom bar
  • Update: Get list coupon smart will show empty
  • Update: Scale position values
  • Update: Add context to product interaction
  • Update: Get title page product list when navigate by action

Bug fixed 🛠️

  • Translate “No internet connection”
  • Currency code for MyFatoorah Payment Gateway
  • Checkout webview for Cashfree Payment Gateway

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