Changelog 22-Sept-2022

Compatible version

Cirilla app ( Test on latest Flutter 3.3.2)v3.2.0
App builder pluginv3.1.0
Push notification pluginv1.4.4

1. Change default login method


2. Payment getaway addons

Noted: The Cirilla – Payment Gateway Addons not include in Cirilla source code you can buy it here

3. Action to product list with brand, tags filter



4. Add Block Webview in product screen

5. Condition for show product block

6. Config thumb size in product detail screen.

7. Upgrade flutter 3.3.2

9. Bugs fixed and improvement

  • Fix: checkout currency
  • Upgrade: Firebase library
  • Fix: calendar in booking product
  • Fix: Lunch action open on external browser
  • Chore: update get image show product item
  • Fix: variable not showing in product detail
  • Fix: vendor store search
  • Chore: add SnackBarAction add success product item
  • Fix: update address in checkout
  • Chore: update flutter_html with iframe
  • Fix: data user login facebook
  • Fix: build iOS
  • Fix: price in add on
  • Fix: Reviews can only be left by “verified owners” not working
  • Chore: update loading comment post

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