Changelog 02-Jan-2022

  • Chore: update alignment widget to select box (This used select start, end support direction for RTL)
  • Fixed: API get balance and transaction (Update new API)
  • Improvement: Lint all source code, and refactor constants.

Note: Include file app.dart you need to modify content on the new don’t replace it.

  • Fixed: Call duplicate API on Android
  • Fixed: Duplicate categories
  • Improved: Get notifications from the server instead save notifications on devices.
  • Fixed: Can’t open link on post
  • Improved: Update loading shimmer order
  • Chose: Loading overlay on checkout Webview
  • Upgrade: Facebook dependency (link)

We make a big update for plugin: Push notification for Mobile and Web app

Noted: The new version work with Cirilla version 2.2.0

  • Add: Send custom notification
  • Add: API deleted all notifications
  • Add: API get notification by user id
  • Add: API delete notification by user id
  • Add: API count notification
  • Add: Update notification status
  • Improved: UI & UX
  • Improved: Send message under background
  • Add: Debug provider

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