Changelog 20-Dec-2021

Cirilla app (v2.1.0) Fixed: Load drawable resource on Android Chose: Translate location screen Fixed: Gray screen after click to notification on tray bar Chose: Update launch background first frame Upgrade: Latest version dependencies and Flutter v2.8.0 Improved: Ensure restore data before open the app Improved: Remove device token on the server when user logout Support: … Read more

Changelog 10-Dec-2021

Cirilla app (v2.0.1) Fixed: Double click on input field Chore: Fix phone input translate and RTL Fixed: Running Android App Features: Select location, Saved Location, Seach Location, Nearby Location, Auto complete place, Get current location, Update location, Enable location service

Changelog 02-Dec-2021

Cirilla App (2.0.0-beta1) Added: Load more related product Added: History search product Added: Load more in search result Added: Widget product recently Improved: Delay update token Added: Config param varidator username and password for register field Fixed: Shipping method by language Fixed: Launch contact Fiexd: Token expired Fixed: Change currency in product variable Fiexd: Freezes … Read more

Changelog 29-Sep-2021

Cirilla App (v1.2.3) Support: Show input qty on product item Add: Product item cover Post layout builder Fixed: get product by id missing param currency Add: On/Off coupon in cart screen Fix: Uppercase item category in shop

Changelog 27-Sep-2021

Cirilla app (v1.2.2) Add: Config font size category name in widget categories Add: Config on/off label sale, label new, rating in product list screen and product related. Fix: Show encode string in search product and search post Fix: Get group product wrong currency

Changelog 23-Sep-2021

Cirilla app (v1.2.1) Fixed: Onboarding did not display Feature: Support long text field for product add-ons plugin Fixed: Issue with special characters add-ons plugin Update: support for XCode 13

Changelog 21-Sep-2021

Cirilla App (1.2.0) Add: add button social Instagram Fix: Navigate to page in app Fix: Cart shipping item null Fix: get reviews by language Improved: lising builder and comparison  widget Feat: upgrade MinimumOSVersion Improved: Product item when product out of stock Fix: null value in list widget

Changelog 6-Sep-2021

Cirilla App Fix: Data type return in product Fix: percent in sale product Add: Manual config for Locate for some language code – doc here Fix: Press back last step on Android