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  3. Cirilla Payment Gateway Addons
  4. Payment Gateways
  5. Wallet


WalletGatewayNative libraryios, android


When you use the wallet, you need to login to the application.


 Follow this steps:

Woocommerce website:

Add Wallet plugin to your Woocommerce:

  1. Go to WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New from the left-hand menu
  2. In the search box type TeraWallet – Best WooCommerce Wallet System With Cashback Rewards, Partial Payment, Wallet Refunds
  3. Click on Install now when you see TeraWallet – Best WooCommerce Wallet System With Cashback Rewards, Partial Payment, Wallet Refunds to install the plugin
  4. Config plugin according instructions
  5. Go to Woocommerce -> Setting -> Tab Payments: enable Wallet – Wallet payment

Plugin guide: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-wallet/#installation

 Mobile app:

  1. Copy wallet_gateway package and add to packages folder in cirilla project.
  2. Import package in cirilla/pubspec.yaml


    path: ./packages/wallet_gateway

Then run flutter pub get in your project

  1. Add WalletGateway to cirilla/lib/payment_method.dart file (remember import package like example)


import 'package:cirilla/utils/currency_format.dart';
import 'package:wallet_gateway/wallet_gateway.dart';
import 'service/constants/endpoints.dart';

final Map<String, PaymentBase> methods = {
   WalletGateway.key: WalletGateway(
    restUrl: Endpoints.restUrl,
    consumerKey: Endpoints.consumerKey,
    consumerSecret: Endpoints.consumerSecret,
    formatCurrency: formatCurrency,

 Build Cloud Service:

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