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  3. Cirilla Payment Gateway Addons
  4. Payment Gateways
  5. Iyzico


IyzicoCheckoutEmbedGateway ( Host checkout page on app )Webviewios, android
IyzicoCheckoutRemoteGateway ( Host checkout page on iyzico server )Webviewios, android

Getting started

You can securely pay with either using the balance on your iyzico account or your saved card. This is a very useful feature for you if you are a user in Türkiye.

Document: https://dev.iyzipay.com/en


Iyzico Checkout – embed

Iyzico Checkout – remote


 Follow this steps:

Woocommerce website:

Add Iyzico Checkout plugin to your Woocommerce:

  1. download this plugin at: https://tr.wordpress.org/plugins/iyzico-woocommerce/
  2. Go to WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New from the left-hand menu > Upload plugin from the top menu
  1. Click on Install to install the plugin
  2. Config plugin according instructions
  3. Go to Woocommerce -> Setting -> Tab Payments: enable iyzico Checkout , Pay with iyzico –

Mobile app:

Package Setup

  1. Copy iyzico_gateway, and add to packages folder in cirilla project.
  2. Import package in cirilla/pubspec.yaml


    path: ./packages/iyzico_gateway

Then run flutter pub get in your project

3. Add IyzicoGateway to cirilla/lib/payment_method.dart file ( use only one of them and remember import package like example)

Note: you have the option to use either or both payment gateways.

  • iyzico Checkout compatible with IyzicoCheckoutEmbedGateway
  • Pay with iyzico – compatible with IyzicoCheckoutRemoteGateway


import 'package:iyzico_gateway/iyzico_gateway.dart';
final Map<String, PaymentBase> methods = {
  IyzicoCheckoutEmbedGateway.key: IyzicoCheckoutEmbedGateway(),
  IyzicoCheckoutRemoteGateway.key: IyzicoCheckoutRemoteGateway(),

Country Support: Anywhere in the world

Available Currencies:

  • Turkish Lira ( TRY ).
  • Euro ( EUR ).
  • USD.
  • British Pound ( GBP ).
  • Iranian Rial ( IRR ).
  • Norwegian Krone ( NOK ).
  • Russian Ruble ( RUB ).
  • Swiss Franc ( CHF ).
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