Changelog 7-May-2021

Cirilla App v1.0.531

  • Fixed: rating count product review list
  • Improved: tab to input rating
  • Add: Widget Icon Box
  • Improve: Button variation in product detail screen
  • Improve: Status quantity in product detail screen
  • Improve: Product variation
  • Add: Layout post detail
  • Fixed: Text in widget Heading
  • Fixed: Icon Button widget
  • Fixed: Icon back profile screen
  • Fixed: Default currency with shop single currency
  • Improve: Convert and Format currency in product widget, product list, product related and cart screen
  • Improve: UI/UX contact vertical layout
  • Improve: Form contact
  • Fixed: Product detail variable button and category text
  • Fixed: Scroll in modal language and currency
  • Add: Box fit in widget Banner
  • Improve: Translate on sidebar

App Builder v1.0.4

  • Chose: remove download build when active to reduce time setup
  • Added: Prepare currency for product object
  • Added: Get default Wc currency
  • Fixed: Download build app
  • Fixed: Decode token
  • Fixed: PHP Notice – Undefined property $plugin_name
  • Fixed: Url placeholder image
  • Improved: Style license page
  • Add: show date build Cirilla for app builder


  • Update docs register, login config

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