Changelog 02-Dec-2021

Cirilla App (2.0.0-beta1)

  • Added: Load more related product
  • Added: History search product
  • Added: Load more in search result
  • Added: Widget product recently
  • Improved: Delay update token
  • Added: Config param varidator username and password for register field
  • Fixed: Shipping method by language
  • Fixed: Launch contact
  • Fiexd: Token expired
  • Fixed: Change currency in product variable
  • Fiexd: Freezes on “App mode” app builder
  • Improved: Display thumb Youtube video
  • Feat: Show category name & tag name on screen post list after navigate
  • Fixed: Open link in sort product description, post
  • Feat: Load more in category screen
  • Add: Rate app action


  • Add: clear all items cart
  • Add: Translate time in countdown widget
  • Add: Count in item tabs
  • Add: 18+ Bottom bar layout and animation
  • Support: Neaby verdor, store location

  • Support: Download product

  • Add: Language screen

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